** can't let go **. ]]
June 2006 July 2006 August 2006

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
today is wednesday
but i shall start from monday(:
dumb idiotic day
every skool day is a bad day):
i was'nt in dhe best of moods..
so i guessed i pulled a long face
tuh jinmay: sorry if it affected euu

during PE we did the most idiotic thing a human BEAN will do
hey people..
watch out
euu WILL be doing that on YOUR PE
those people who walked passed dhe hall and laugh..
euu would have tuh laugh at yourself then(:

during english lesson..
everybody was late for lesson..
so we did dhat stoopid INVISIBLE CHAIR THING for like 15 minutes?
my legs have feelings
i'm nort made of metal

after skool
dumb idiotic music lesson
wasting my time and it's ruining my life
went all dhe way tuh TKGS
went in and dhe dumb klassroom
teacher: names please
me: clarabel and beverley from damai sec
teacher: euu all very long never come already uh!
us: pretends we did'nt hear anything and got tuh dhe empty seat(:

teacher: today euu will be having your term 3 CA test
us: HUH
me: oh shit! how? i dun know anything
beverley: dun care lar.. not like we never fail before
me: agreed(:

dhe test is like damn hard cann..
oh well..
do i look lyke i give a damn?
dhe answer is NO

i think that's all about monday

today's tymetable changed tuh thursday's tyme table
dumb is'nt it?
ms kwan neber say anything ok
i dun remember much about tuesday(:
during band
as usual..
kinda boring
i've caught a flu
mr wong: hey! you have been having this flu for a long tyme!
me: huh..
mr wong: i think euu are too stressed ryte? section leader plus concert mistress plus assistant conductor
me: huh.. no luh
mr wong: euu think euu octopus ar? can do so many things
me thinking in my heart: not i want one ryte?
mr wong: better take care of yourself
me:okay. and quickly runs away
that's about tuesday i think

wednesday which is today(:
i was late
really late
but i did'nt run
ms lee called me and beverley out AGAIN
what dhe hell does she wants?
make me so MALU
we went for dhe lesson already..
what euu want us tuh do sia?
we never go euu scold
we go dhen euu scold
i'm really confused by these dumb adults

oh well..
dhen after that we had POA
mdm lubna never come(:
so means no study hour too
so fun(:
dhen dhe day went pass boringly
until chinese lesson
boon hui is so cool(:
dhe chinese teacher is dumb
seriously dumb
boon hui: cher i want go toilet
cher: no
boonhui: cher i urgent
cher: no
boonhui just went tuh dhe toilet
leaving her SHOCKED
he slams dhe door loud
when he comes back
cher: why did euu slam dhe door?
boonhui: cher i never. dhe wind blow dhen dhe door shut
cher: show me how euu close dhe door
boonhui went tuh close dhe door with a BANG
teacher demonstrates a how-tuh-close-dhe-door lesson
it's like slow motion cann..
dumb teacher
whole klass bursts into laughter
boonhui dhen imitates teacher and closes door in SLOW MOTION
cher: see! euu can do it! so why did euu slam dhe door?
hong jie: cher! people urgent euu want him tuh do slow motion ar?
euu siao!
cher: speechless
oh well..
euu have tuh understand..
this kinda scenarios happen almost everyday yah?
just gotta get used tuh it
after skool
no study hour
went tuh art room
touch up on dhat little portion of my art
dhen went down tuh canteen
bought food and drinks
dhen talked a little
dhen xue qian come lers
dhen we went tuh east point
tuh buy his dunno what paper
dhen we go buy bubble tea
and was seen by SIKE that DUMB DUMB
oh well
dhen we went back tuh 201 there
dhen he confiscated my watch
tuh xueqian: i want my watch back tomorrow kaes! ):
i think that's all about today
i shall stop here
love ya people(:
cLaRabeL ; 0 comments


the Loving ]]
Clarabel Low Weii Lii
22nd Sep 1991
Damai Sec

the Memories ]]
**etc here.

the Loved Ones ]]

the Words ]]

the Thanks ]]

i love you.